Thursday, September 23, 2004

With Handouts Comes Obligation

I've come to the thinking that what I don't like about the left's foreign policy is that they like to buy off good will without attaching obligations to it. I'd much rather that our foreign aid policies be, "you do what the hell we want or we'll not only cut you off, but come in and take back what we already gave you." Come to think of it, that attitude would work well with just about any government handout. Get any type of aid, you have to do what you're told. Or else.

Saturday, September 11, 2004


Encourage stupid people not to breed. It should be easy to convince them because they're stupid. Make especially strong emphasis of kids getting bodily fluids all over you and them breaking all your stuff.

Idiots Shouldn't Vote

Since clearly idiots and ignorant people shouldn't vote, we should form a political action group to advertise and list the issues. Then at the end say, "If you don't understand these things in their entirety, please stay home on election day."

Thursday, September 02, 2004

"Free" Universal Health Care

Implement a "Free" Universal Health Care system that only gets you "free" stuff conforming to 25 year old technology. This, being beyond the patent horizon, is the edge of affordability and what one may reasonably expect as a freeloader. More advanced care must be paid with cash or risk pool insurance.