It occurs to that from a strategic point of view: why the hell should I care about gay rights? Back in the olden days, we had race riots to make us give a shit. But do we get a gay RIOT? No -- we get some pansy-assed (to coin a phrase) gay MARCH.
Whoop de do. A march.
In any case, I expect that many legislative movements were born of blocking traffic and walking down the street in revealing outfits that get posted on internet newsgroups so that thousands upon thousands of lonely college freshmen can whack off to the lesbians with pierced nips and spiky collars. Or something. Hey, at least it wins over the lonely-college-freshman vote.
In any case, if you want civil rights, gay or otherwise, you have to have a riot, not some stupid march. Duh. Show some balls (so to speak)! Smash something! Get arrested throwing a brick at a truck driver's head!